Computer Science 241
Syllabus for Fall 2002
Dr. Carol E. Wolf
Office 163 William St. Room 221
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30-3:30, Wednesdays 1-2Phone: 212-346-1782

Text:Carrano and Prichard, Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java: Walls and Mirrors, Addison Wesley, 2001.

The final exam will be Dec. 19, 12:50-2:30 (subject to change)


Worksheet with Grades

Assignment 1 Clowns Project


Fractions Assignment Hash Table Example

Fibonacci Example

Hash Table Assignment Clowns Assignment

Verification of Program Correctness

Simple List Example Full Linked List Example

Orders Example with a Frame

Linked List Assignment

Some Sorting Methods Expression Parser

Tree Assignment Stack Assignment

Searching Methods

Sep 9
Introduction, html and Javascript
Chapter 1: Software design , Clowns project
Sep 18
Java review: Arrays of objects, windows and frames, html forms
Clowns Project
Sep 23
Chapter 12: Hashing, pages 578-592
3, 4
Sep 25, 30
Oct. 2
Chapter 2: Recursion
Analysis of algorithms
Oct 7
Chapter 3: Inheritance and polymorphism
Oct 9, 14
Chapter 4: Linked lists 
6, 7
Oct 16, 21, 23
Chapter 5: More recursion
Prefix, infix, postfix, BNF, Expression parser
Oct 28
Oct 30, Nov. 4
Chapter 6: Stacks
Chapter 7: Queues
9, 10 
Nov 6, 11, 13
Chapter 10: Trees
Nov 18
Chapter 8: Classes and objects
Nov 20, 25
Chapter 9: Algorithm efficiency, sorting 
Dec 2, 4
Chapter 11: Tables, priority queues, heapsort
Dec 9, 11
Threads, Huffman codes
Dec 16
Final Exam 10:55-12:35

Program grading:

Programs will be due on the date listed on the assignment.

Programs one week late will incur no penalty.

Programs two weeks late will lose 1/3.

Programs three weeks late will lose 2/3.

Programs four weeks late will receive zero points.

All programs must be handed in by Dec. 11

Programs may be resubmitted once for several additional points.

Programs should be created and compiled using JDK 1.2 or higher.Submit a disk with a compiled version of the program and a printout of the Java code.Make sure that your disks and printouts are labeled with your name and course number.


The midterms and final will each be worth 1/4.All the programs together will count for the other quarter.There will be 5 or 6 programming assignments.Program grades will be posted on my web site when available.The table will be sorted by the last six digits of your social security number.Names and the first three digits will not be shown.Final letter grades will be displayed on the web site by the end of December, if not earlier.


One class in an application should be a driver class.It should instantiate the other class or classes and call appropriate methods.Usually this class is quite small.Other classes should do all the work for the program.For example, a program that reads data from a file, processes it, and then prints out results should do all the file processing in one or more classes.Methods in the classes can then be called from the main driver class.The classes that do the work are usually grouped into packages that are imported into the driver class.


Classes that share functionality should be grouped together in packages.The package statement must be the first executable statement in the file. One of the classes in the file must be a public class.There can be other classes in the same file, so long as they are used only be the public class.If a class is to be imported into another class, it should be made public and stored in a separate file.When package files are compiled, their .class files must appear in a subdirectory that has the name of the package.

Visibility qualifiers:

Most variables in a class will be private.They are then accessible only by the class and its inner classes.If a variable or method is to be used inside the surrounding package, it should be marked as protected.Only those methods that are to be used in classes in other packages should be public.Usually variables are not public, only protected or private.Private variables often require get and set methods to retrieve them or provide them with values.Constructors are also used to provide values for variables.These are only used for initialization.Do not omit the visibility modifier.If you do, the variable or method has package visibility.If this is what you want, specify it using the protected modifier.