National Cristina Foundation
- www.cristina.org
National Cristina Foundation provides computer technology and solutions to give people with disabilities, students at risk and economically disadvantaged persons the opportunity, through training, to lead more independent and productive lives.
Read the foundation's survey results about the 2008-2009 economic impact in non profits and public agencies here.
Per Scholas
- www.perscholas.org
Per Scholas is a Bronx-based nonprofit which provides,
computers at low cost. Per Scholas Access Program
reconditions and upgrades donated computers and then
sells them to needy schools, students and families.
Only donated computers equipped with Pentium II CPUs or
better are selected for this program, all others are
recycled. Each computer meets all data security needs
and it also uses the same Tier One components as
commercial manufacturers. Each Per Scholas computer is
fully equipped and has a one-year full warranty and lifetime
technical support including unlimited use of a 1-800 help line.
You can reach them at: 718-991-8400, info@perscholas.org
Westchester County - Westchester Access
The Westchester County helps match up the County government and
business that have surplus computer equipment with non-profit groups
who might be able to use the equipment. This includes PC's, monitors,
printers, scanners, modems, CD Rom drives, hard drives, zip drives,
speakers, installed licensed software, and other related equipment.
TechFoundation is a Cambridge-based, nonprofit
organization that delivers technology, expertise
and capital to help nonprofit organizations serve
humanity. The TechMarketPlace has partnered with a
number of leading companies, including
two listed on the Fortune 500, to offer
the technology that nonprofits need.
TechSoup Stock
- www.techsoup.org/stock/default.asp
TechSoup Stock connects nonprofits
with donated and discounted technology
products in the supportive environment
of the TechSoup Web site. Has over 240
products from 25 providers including
Cisco and Microsoft.
TechSoup Recycled Computer Initiative (RCI) Program
- www.techsoup.org/stock/rci/
If your nonprofit organization, including libraries, needs more computers but your
budget is tight -- TechSoup Stock has a solution.
TechSoup pioneering Recycled Computer Initiative gives nonprofits
nationwide a chance to get high-quality refurbished computer
systems at a discount. The first nationwide refurbishing
program geared strictly to nonprofits, RCI also provides an
environmentally friendly alternative to used equipment disposal.
Westchester PC Users Group
- www.wpcug.org
Westchester PC Users Group's mission is
to raise the level of computer literacy
in the Westchester community. This is a
membership organization for any Westchester
County's resident who needs help with
technology or wants to share their knowledge with others.
Academic Superstore
- www.academicsuperstore.com
Offers discounts on software titles and computer hardware to colleges,
schools, hospitals, teachers and students.