


Sphero, & Mosley, P. (2021). Sphero Bolt cybersecurity labs – Educator guide. Sphero.
The Sphero BOLT Cybersecurity Labs aim to address this challenge by bringing cybersecurity concepts to life through hands-on learning experiences. BOLT simulates and models concepts that are often hidden deep inside computers, networks, and code so that middle school students can visualize, discuss, and fully understand them. This lab book covers the following topics: ethics and networks, cyberbullies and hackers, CIA triad and attacks, and cryptography and your future.
Pauline Mosley's book
Mosley, P., & Hargrove, S. K. (Eds.). (2015). Navigating academia: A guide for women and minority STEM faculty. Academic Press, Elsevier, Inc. ISBN 978-0-12-801984-9.
Navigating Academia: A Guide for Women and Minority STEM Faculty explores the infrastructure of the academy and provides a systematic account of where and why women and minorities fall behind men in the preparation for and development of their academic careers. This book offers useful strategies for recruiting, retaining, and advancing women and minorities. Chapters include testimonials from faculty and administrators about how they made their ascent within the academy.
Pauline Mosley's book
Mosley, P. (2009). Lego robotics and problem solving. Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1-111-02943-2.
This Mindstorms NXT Lab book teaches students how to problem solve using LEGO Mindstorms to design and develop algorithmic robust solutions. The book covers how to perform LEGO construction, how to program the NXT brick, the use of variables, data wires, and how best to utilize the visual programming language.

Book Chapters

Quantum Machine Learning Classifier book
Mosley, Pauline, and Avery Leider. ‘Quantum Machine Learning Classifier and Neural Network Transfer Learning’. In Transfer Learning - Leveraging the Capability of Pre-Trained Models Across Different Domains, edited by Dr. Anwar P. P. Abdul Majeed. Rijeka: IntechOpen, 2024.
E-Service Learning book
Jean R. Strait and Katherine Nordyke, E-Service Learning: Creating Experiential Learning and Civic Engagement through Online and Hybrid Courses, Stylus Publishers April 2015; Chapter 6 - Hybrid II: A Model Design for Web Development—Pauline Mosley, Pace University.


Civic Engagement Monograph
Coppola, Daniels, Feather-Gannon, Hale, Hayes, Kline, Mosley, & Pennachio (2007). Case Study: Civic Engagement in the First-Year Experience Civic Engagement Through Computer Technology at Pace University. [Monograph]. The New York Times, Civic Engagement in the First Year of College [page 76].
Refereed Journal Articles
2024 Mosley, P., Chen, L., Elldrodt, L., Ulysse, D. (April 2024). Camp CryptoBot: A Model for Taking Risks and Promoting Self-Efficacy in Pursuit of Cybersecurity Career Pathways, The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, South Central Region, Col. 39, No. 7.
2024 Mosley, P., Elldrodt, L., Ulysse, D. (June 2024). Camp CryptoBot: A Method for Taking Risks and Motivating High School Girls to Pursue a Career in Cybersecurity, The Future of Education Conference Proceedings.
2023 Bakhitov, D., Khemraj, R., Skorko, J., Leider, A., Mosley, P. (2023). Screening for COVID-19 via Acoustics Using Artificial Intelligence. In: Arai, K. (eds) Advances in Information and Communication. FICC 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 651. Springer, Cham.
2022 Leider, A., Jaoude, G., Strobel, A., Mosley, P. (2022). Quantum Machine Learning Classifier, Advances in information and Communication: Proceedings of the 2022 Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Volume 1.
2021 Avery Leider, Gio Abou Jaoude, Abigail Strobel, Pauline Mosley (2021). Future of Information and Communications Conference Proceedings, October 2021.
2017 Mosley, Rivera, Tantalos (2017, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 7). Deadly Distributed Denial of Service in Depth. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol 32 (Issue 6), pages 213.
2016 Mosley, Ardito, Scollins (October 2016). Cooperative Robotic Learning Promotes STEM Interest, American Journal of Engineering Education.
2014 Ardito, G., Mosley, P. H., Scollins, L. (November 2014). We Robot: Using Robotics to Promote Collaborative and Mathematics Learning in a Middle School Classroom, Middle Grade Research Journal, Volume 9, #3, 2014.
2013 Feather-Gannon, S., J., Coppola J., Daniels, C., Hale N., Mosley, P. H., Taylor, A. (June 2013). The Evolution of Successful Service-Learning Courses in the Computing Curriculum: From Infancy to Innovation, The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.
2010 Lawler, J., Coppola J., Mosley, P. H., Drury, L., Thomas, B., & Wexler, S. (November 2010). Empowering Communities of Disadvantaged Individuals and Locales with Advanced Support Technologies. Faculty Resource Network Journal: Engaging Students in the Community and the World.
2010 Mosley, P. H., Yun, L., Hargrove, K., & Doswell, J. (September 2010). A Pre-Engineering Program Using Robots to Attract Under-represented High School and Community College Students. The Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 11, Issues 5 and 6.
2008 Mosley, P. H., & Doswell, J. (March 2008). The Virtual Intervention: A Case in LEGO Robotics. The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 7, Number 1, Issue 1.
2007 Doswell, J., & Mosley, P. H. (June 2007). A Virtual Instructor Service-Oriented Architecture for Teaching Robotics in Mixed Reality. Journal of Computers, Issue 4.
2007 Merritt, S. M., Dwyer, C., Houle, B. J., Mosley, P. H., & Coppola, J. (Fall 2007). Alternate Paths to University Positions: Women’s Choice. Faculty Resource Network Journal: Advancing Women and the Underrepresented in the Academy.
2006 Mosley, P. H., & Kline, R. (Spring 2006). Engaging Students: A Framework Using LEGO Robotics to Teach Problem Solving. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 21, Number 1.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (November 2005). Redesigning Web Design. The Academic Exchange Quarterly Journal, 9, Issue 3.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (February 2005). A Taxonomy of Object Technology. In The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges: Vol. 20, Number 3. Paper presented at the refereed conference Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges, October 2004, at Loyola College.
2005 Mosley, P. H., & Pennachio, L. (February 2005). An Integration of Technology into Education Majors’ Civic Responsibilities. In The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges: Vol. 20, Number 3. Paper presented at the refereed conference, Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges, October 2004, at Loyola College.
2004 Anstendig, L., Richie, E., Young, S., Mosley, P. H., & Kirschstein, B. (October 2004). Architects of Change: Writing Enhanced Course Program Development and Core Reform. Across The Disciplines Journal, 1.
Refereed Conferences
2024 Mosley, P., Chen, L., Elldrodt, L., Ulysse, D. (April 2024). Camp CryptoBot: A Model for Taking Risks and Promoting Self-Efficacy in Pursuit of Cybersecurity Career Pathways, Presented virtually at CCSC South Central Conference, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas.
2024 Mosley, P., Elldrodt, L., Ulysse, D. (June 2024). Camp CryptoBot: A Method for Taking Risks and Motivating High School Girls to Pursue a Career in Cybersecurity, Presented virtually at The Future of Education Conference Virtual Platform.
2021 Lyery, Kaul, Bhaduri, Mosley (November 19, 2021) The Impact of DEI on STEM Career Transitions. The DIRC21 Virtual Conference.
2018 Mosley, Conzuegra, Berger (April 2018). Improving The Delivery of Medication With Intelligent Automation. In Proceedings of the Eastern Colleges Science Conference (ECSC).
2018 Mosley, Gonzalez, Ran (May 2017). The Effect of Mobile Meditation on Mental Health. In Proceedings of 16th Annual Theoretical and Applied Science Conference.
2018 Pauline Mosley, Li-Chiou Chen (May 18, 2018). Cyber-Arcade. Presented at Pace Faculty Institute, Pleasantville, New York.
2018 Pauline Mosley, Li-Chiou Chen (March 24, 2018). Cyber-Arcade: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Cybersecurity. Presented at WiCys Conference in Chicago, Illinois.
2014 Pauline Mosley, Adrienne Williams, Allison Kapner, Lt. Michael Kerley, (October 2014). Are You in the Loop?, Presented at the Women of Color Conference, Detroit, Michigan.
2013 Feather-Gannon, S., Coppola, J., Daniels C., Hale, N., Mosley, P., Taylor, A., (April 2013). The Evolution of Successful Service-Learning Courses in the Computing Curriculum: From Infancy to Innovation” Paper presented at 18th Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northeast Conference (CCSNCE), Sienna College, Loundonville, New York.
2010 Mosley, P. H., Greene, S., Morgan, E., Hargrove, K., & Rogers, T. (October 2010). Why Is There a Shortage of Women and Minority Faculty? Paper presented at 10th Annual Diversity Challenge Conference – Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture (ISPRC), Boston College, MA.
2010 Mosley, P. H., Lawler, J., Feather-Gannon, S., Taylor, A., & Coppola, J. (June 2010). Incorporating Service Learning in Higher Education Technology Curriculum: Development, Implementation, and Partnerships. Paper presented at 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, New York, NY.
2009 Lawler, J., Mosley, P. H., Coppola, J., Feather-Gannon, S., & Hill, J. (2009). Community Empowerment and Service-Learning Practices Through Computer Science Curricula of a Major Metropolitan University. Paper presented at 25th Annual Eastern Conference, Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
2009 Mosley, P. H., Coppola, J., Feather-Gannon, S., & Lawler, J. (April 2009). Service Learning in the Computer Science and Information Systems Curriculum. Paper presented at the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI) 2009 Annual Conference, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, CT.
2008 Coppola, J., Daniels, K., Feather-Gannon, S., Taylor, A., Kline, R., & Mosley, P. H. (October 2008). The Role of Service-Learning Computing Courses for Non-Majors: Providing Quality Instruction While Impacting the Student Experience. Paper presented at the NITLE Conference, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA.
2008 Coppola, J., Thomas, B., Garnet, S., & Mosley, P. H. (April 2008). Co-Learning Opportunities: Integrating Service-Learning Technologies (SLT) into Undergraduate Courses. Paper presented at the Lilly-East Conference on College and University Teaching, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
2008 Lawler, J., Coppola, J., Taylor, A., Hill, J., & Mosley, P. H. (March 2008). Service Learning and Pace University. Paper presented at Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI), Conference, Brooklyn, NY.
2008 Coppola, J., Feather-Gannon, S., Mosley, P. H., Taylor, A., & Hayes, D. (February 2008). Service-Learning Courses: A Multi-Perspective Outlook. Paper presented at 27th Annual Research Conference: Organizational Systems Research Association (OSRA), Columbia, SC.
2007 Mosley, P. H., & Davis. P. (April 2007). Pace University Partners with Middle Schools for FIRST Competitions. Paper presented at the FIRST Robotics Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2007 Mosley, P. H., & Doswell, J. (May 2007). Robotics in Mixed-Reality. Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Virtual Instructors, IEEE Virtual Instructor Pilot Research Group, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
2006 Doswell, J., & Mosley, P. H. (July 2006). Robotics in Mixed-Reality Training Simulations: Augmenting STEM Learning. Proceedings of The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
2006 Doswell, J., & Mosley, P. H. (July 2006). An Innovative Approach to Teaching Robotics. Proceedings of The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (August 2005). Using LEGOS to Improve Problem Solving. Proceedings of Interactive Technologies 2005. Paper presented at the refereed conference Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT) Conference, Arlington, VA.
2005 Daniels, A., Hill, Lawler, Mosley, Murphy, Taylor, & Velez (July 2005). Community Empowerment Through Student Engagement in Flexible Models of Service Learning. Proceedings of the 3rd International Education and Information Systems Technologies and Applications (EISTA), Orlando, FL.
2003 Mosley, P. H., & Nisbett, M. (January 2003). Integrating Pervasive Information to Enhance Learning. Paper presented at EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Baltimore, MD.
2002 Mosley, P. H., & Stix, A. (October 2002). Cognitive Complexities Confronting Software Developers Using Object Technology. Paper presented at the refereed conference, Information Systems Education, San Antonio, TX.
2003 Mosley, P. H. (October 2002). Critical Success Factors in Teaching Technology-Enhanced Courses. Paper presented at the Making A Difference Through Teacher Education National Summit, Birmingham, AL.
2002 Anstendig, L., Richie, E., Young, S., Mosley, P. H., & Kirschstein, B. (May 2002). Communication-Enhanced Courses in the Disciplines. Proceedings of the Fifth National Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Bloomington, IN.
2001 Mosley, P. H., & Young, S. (November 2001). Writing Becomes Teaching In Programming. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Lilly Conference, Oxford, OH. Paper was accepted to this refereed conference, but Mosley was unable to attend to present it.
Non-Refereed Publications
2024 WestHab Professional Development Training Manual for Site Directors.
2018 White Plains Youth Bureau STEAM Academy Instructor’s Curriculum Guide, Grades 1 & 2.
2018 White Plains Youth Bureau STEAM Academy Instructor’s Curriculum Guide, Grades 3.
2018 White Plains Youth Bureau STEAM Academy Instructor’s Curriculum Guide, Grades 4.
2018 White Plains Youth Bureau STEAM Academy Instructor’s Curriculum Guide, Grades 5.
2018 Mosley, P. (August 10, 2018). Education: Why Aren’t More Students Pursuing Careers in STEM?, The Westchester Business Journal.
2013 Prafder, E. & Mosley, P. (February 2013). Education: A Woman’s Place, The New York Post.
2013 LaGuardia, A., & Mosley, P. (December 2013). You’ve Come A Long Way Baby!, Shining Stars – Publication of Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center.
2005 Mosley, P. H., & Pennachio, L. (Fall 2004). Civic Engagement: Integrating Teacher Preparation with Community Service. CSIS Communiqué: A Publication of the School of Computer Science and Information Systems, 19.
2004 Mosley, P. H. (September 2004). Faculty Perspectives Teaching Honor Students. Scholastica.
2004 Mosley, P. H. (April 2004). Training Future Software Developers. PILOTed (Online Learning Newsletter from PILOT Online Learning Systems).
2002 Mosley, P. H. (Spring 2002). Faculty Member Poses the Question: Does Writing Enhance Programming? CSIS Communiqué: A Publication of the School of Computer Science and Information Systems, 14.
2001 Tappert, C., & Mosley, P. H. (August 2001). Recent Advances in Pen Computing. CSIS Technical Report, 166.
2001 Mosley, P. H. (June 2001). Writing Enhanced Course Program. FOCUS Dyson Writing Across the Curriculum Program Newsletter, 2, Number 1.
1993 Mosley, P. H. (1993). ChartMaster. [Training Manual for Personal Computer Learning Centers of America, Inc.].
1993 Mosley, P. H. (1993). Executive Seminar. [Training Manual for Executive Education Institute].
1993 Mosley, P. H. (1993). Microsoft Office. [Training Manual for Executive Education Institute].
1992 Mosley, P. H. (1992). Advanced MultiMate II. [Training Manual for Personal Computer Learning Centers of America, Inc.].
1992 Mosley, P. H. (1992). Beginning Microsoft Word for the Mac. [Training Manual for Personal Computer Learning Centers of America, Inc.].
1992 Mosley, P. H. (1992). Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3. [Training Manual for The City College University’s Employees].
1991 Mosley, P. H. (1991). Freelance. [Training Manual for Personal Computer Learning Centers of America, Inc.].
1990 Mosley, P. H. (1990). Beginning DisplayWrite 5.0. [Training Manual for Personal Computer Learning Centers of America, Inc.].
Presentations at Pace University
2025 Mosley, P. H. (May 13, 2025). Virtual Labs for Online Cyber Security Education. Post Sabbatical Lighting Talks at Pace University, NY.
2023 CCAR and the Experiential Learning Network’s December 1 Symposium: Transformative Civic Engagement Inside and Outside the Classroom, Models of Civic Engagement Courses Beyond Direct Service”; Bater, E., Land, M., Rivera, G., Turunen, M., Mosley, P., Presented on Web Design for Non-Profits.
2022 Fourth Annual Student Success and Retention Summit (Virtual), Discussant for Dr. Miles.
2016 Mosley, P. H. (April 2016). Hands-On Robotics Workshop. Take Your Children To Work Day. Unpublished materials from Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
2016 Mosley, P. H. (April 2013). Hands-On Water-Robotics Session. STEM Women Achieve Greatness. Unpublished materials from Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
2015 Mosley, P. H. (April 2015). Hands-On Robotics Workshop. Take Your Children To Work Day. Unpublished materials from Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
2013 Mosley, P. H. (April 2013). Hands-On Robotics Workshop. Take Your Children To Work Day. Unpublished materials from Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
2011 Mosley, Davis, Golod, Manely, Sottile, Yun, and Hewlett, (May 2011). Connecting Robots and STEM Subjects. Unpublished panel discussion materials for Teaching STEM With Robotics Symposium, The Graduate Center, Pace University, White Plains, NY.
2011 Mosley, P. H. (April 2011). Having Fun With LEGOS. Take Your Children To Work Day. Unpublished materials from Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
2009 Mosley, P. H. (March 2009). Finding a Research Topic and Conducting Good Research. Doctoral of Professional Studies Seminar. (Available from The Graduate Center, Pace University, White Plains, NY).
2007 Coppola, Daniels, Feather, Hale, Hayes, Mosley, & Taylor (May 2007). Service Learning in Seidenberg School: Involving Students in Civic Engagement. Unpublished panel discussion materials from The Pace Faculty Institute, One Pace Plaza, NY.
2006 Mosley, P. H. (April 2006). A Framework Using LEGO Robotics to Teach Problem Solving. Unpublished materials for Admitted Student Day at the Goldstein Academic Center, Pace University, White Plains, NY.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (November 2005). Service Learning: A Venue for Research. Unpublished materials for Information Systems Seminar, Pleasantville, Pace University.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (April 2005). Making Web Pages. Unpublished materials for Take Your Children to Work Day, Pleasantville, Pace University.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (March 2005). Career Choices via Service Learning. Unpublished materials for Trendsetters Conference, One Pace Plaza, Pace University.
2004 Mosley, P. H. (October 2004). Opening the Doors of Research. Unpublished panel discussion materials for Faculty Share Their Experiences Attending The Faculty Resource Network at New York University, The Graduate Center, Pace University, White Plains, NY.
2001 Mosley, P. H. (December 2001). Writing Intensive Computing Courses. Unpublished materials for Presidential Visit to CSIS, One Pace Plaza, Pace University.
2000 Mosley, P. H. (November 2000). Java and the Computer Science Experience. Unpublished materials for Pace University Scholarship Dinner, One Pace Plaza, Pace University.
Presentations Outside of Pace University
2025 Youth MedTech & Finance Conference. The Impact of Technology on Healthcare Inequality, Mercy University. Presenter, (March 22, 2025)
2023 ISC(2) New Jersey Chapter Meeting (Virtual), Panel: Mierzwa, S., Fishkin, K., Moskal, E., Mosley, P, ChatGPT – The Concerns (March 2023)
2023 Girlz Talk 2023, Hofstra University, Panelist: Being Successful In Your Career (May 6, 2023)
2023 Cybersecurity 101 3-Part Series: Part 1, Pauline Mosley and Tod Johnston, Sphero, Free Sphero Webinars & Teacher Resources (October 19, 2023).
2023 Cybersecurity 101 3-Part Series: Part 2, Pauline Mosley and Tod Johnston, Sphero, Free Sphero Webinars & Teacher Resources (October 25, 2023).
2023 Cybersecurity 101 3-Part Series: Part 3, Pauline Mosley and Tod Johnston, Sphero, Free Sphero Webinars & Teacher Resources (November 1, 2023)
2021 Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference (DIRC), Panel: The Impact of DEI on STEM Career Transitions, Lyer, S., Kaul, K., Bhadur, S., Mosley, P, (November 19, 2021), DIRC21 Agenda — DIRC
2020 Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference (DIRC), Academic Support Networks for Minorities and Underrepresented Faculty, Pauline Mosley, (November 12, 2020), Academic Support Networks for Minorities and Underrepresented Faculty — DIRC
2016 Mosley, P. H. (March 2016). Ladies First in STEM Conference – keynote speaker. Unpublished materials for the Highview Elementary School, Hartsdale, NY.
2016 Mosley, P. H. (June 2016). STEM Conference for Girls – keynote speaker. Unpublished materials for the Westchester Community College and Mount Vernon Youth Bureau.
2013 Mosley, P. H. (May 2013). Meet Millenia!! Unpublished materials for the Highview Elementary School, Hartsdale, NY.
2013 Mosley, P. H. (July 2013). Integrating STEM into Afterschool Programs. Unpublished materials for the Hudson Valley Afterschool Network, White Plains, NY.
2010 Mosley, P. H. (February 2010). Teaching STEM Using Robotics. Unpublished materials for the Nepperhan Community Center, Yonkers, NY.
2010 Mosley, P. H. (July 2010). Bridging Math and Science Using LEGO Mindstorms. Unpublished materials for the New York School for the Deaf.
2010 Mosley, P. H. (December 2010). Dancing Robots. Unpublished materials for the Briarcliff Senior Atria Living Center.
2009 Mosley, P. H. (March 2009). A Man is Not a Financial Plan. Unpublished materials for White Plains High School, Girls, Incorporated of Westchester, NY.
2009 Mosley, P. H. (April 2009). Career Choices and Course Offerings. Unpublished materials for Poughkeepsie High School Career Fair, Poughkeepsie, NY.
2009 Mosley, P. H. (September, 2009). Let’s Join The LEGO Club. Unpublished materials for Alice E. Grady Middle School PTA Meeting.
2009 Mosley, P. H. (November 2009). Microsoft Robotics Toolkit and Simulation. Unpublished materials for being guest lecturer for Dr. Kaye’s class – Introduction to Engineering, Baltimore Community City College, Baltimore, MD.
2008 Mosley, P. H. (April 2008). Starting a LEGO Club. Unpublished materials for PTA and Board Meeting at Alexander Hamilton High School, Elmsford, NY.
2008 Coppola, J., Feather-Gannon, S., & Mosley, P. H. (November 2008). Integrating Technology into the Curriculum. Today’s Students Tomorrow Teachers, Fordham University.
2008 Mosley, P. H. (April 2008). Learn With LEGOs Robotics. Unpublished materials for the North Rockland Central School District, Rockland, NY.
2007 Coppola, J., Merritt, S., Dwyer, C., Houle, B., & Mosley, P. H. (November, 2007). Alternate Paths to University Positions: Women’s Choice. Faculty Research Network National Symposium: Advancing Women and the Underrepresented in the Academy, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC.
2006 Mosley, P. H. (January 2006). Career Choices At Pace. Unpublished materials for St. Francis Preparatory High School, Queens, NY.
2005 Mosley, P. H. (June 2005). Unpublished materials for commencement address at the 42nd annual commencement program of Woodlands High School.
2002 Session Chair for “Information Systems Curriculum Track”. Information Systems Education Conference, October 2002, at San Antonio, TX.
2002 Mosley, P. H. (October 2002). Critical Success Factors in Teaching Technology-Enhanced Courses. Paper presented at the Making a Difference Through Teacher Education Conference, Birmingham, AL.
2001 Mosley, P. H. (November 2001). Participant in the Panel Discussion: The Challenge of Plagiarism in Programming Classes. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Information Systems Education Conference. Cincinnati, OH.
1999 Mosley, P. H. (October 1999). Participant in the Panel Discussion: Keeping Pace with the Computer Evolution. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference, St. Bonaventure University, Olean, NY.
1999 Mosley, P. H. (September 1999). Adult Learners and the College Experience, Unpublished materials for the College of New Rochelle, NY.
1998 Mosley, P. H. (1998). Seniors Getting Online. Unpublished materials for the Mainstream Program: Senior Net, Westchester Community College, NY.
1998 Mosley, P. H. (1998). Advanced Excel Training. Unpublished materials for NYNEX, Professional Development Center, Westchester Community College, NY.