
Vitae (Download)


D.P.S. Pace University, School of Computer Science and Information Systems, May 2002.
Concentrations: Object Technology, Cognitive Models of Learning
Dissertation Title: The Cognitive Complexities Confronting Developers Using Object Technology
Dissertation Chairman: Dr. Allen Stix

M.S. Pace University, School of Computer Science and Information Systems, June 1992.
Degree: Information Systems
Concentration: Networking
Thesis Title: A Manager’s Guide to Determining and Implementing Local Area Networks
Advisor: Dr. Fred Grossman

B.S., B.S. Mercy College, May 1986
Received dual degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science
Honors: Member of Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics honor society)
Recipient of Christie Scholar Award
Member of Mercy College Honors Program


Full Professor of Information Technology, Pace University, School of CSIS, 2012–Present.
Appointed to Associate Chair July 24, 2020 (effective September 1, 2020)
Appointed to Assistant Chair July 20, 2019 (effective September 1, 2019)
Promoted to Full Professor April 9, 2012 (effective September 1, 2012)
Promoted to Associate Professor January 31, 2006 (effective September 1, 2006).
Tenure granted January 31, 2006 (effective September 1, 2007).

Associate Professor of Information Technology, Pace University, School of CSIS, 2006–2012.
Undergraduate Teaching: Network and Internet Security, Web Design, Introduction to Drones, Database Management Systems. Average class size 30.
Graduate Teaching: Database Management Systems and Systems Analysis and Design.

Assistant Professor of Information Technology, Pace University, School of CSIS, 2003–2006.
Undergraduate Teaching: Introduction to Computers, Computers for Human Empowerment, Web Design for Non-Profit Organizations, Problem Solving Using LEGOS. Average class size 25.
Courses Developed: Problem Solving Using LEGOS and Web Design for Non-Profit Organizations.
Curriculum Development: Created the CIS 101 Proficiency guidelines; the theoretical exam; the Excel, JavaScript, and HTML practicums; and developed the web-design contract for the service-learning courses.

Lecturer of Computer Science, Pace University, School of CSIS, 2000–2003.
Undergraduate Teaching: Programming I, Programming II, Topic: Java Programming. Average class size 30.

Assistant Professor of Computing, Business Department, Hostos Community College, 1992–2000.
Promoted to Assistant Professor August 16, 1999 (effective August 28, 1999).
Tenure granted as a Lecturer December 10, 1997 (effective September 1, 1998).
Undergraduate Teaching: Introduction To Computers, Database Design, Systems Analysis and Design, Computer Architecture, Python, Operating Systems, Spreadsheet Analysis, Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking, and PC Diagnostics. Average class size 25.
Courses Developed: Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networking, Introduction to Networking using Windows NT 4.0, and Help Desk and User Support.
Curriculum Development: Updated course textbooks, modified pre- and co-requisites for courses, reviewed course content, coordinated Introduction to Computers course, and coordinated department articulation (obtained three articulation agreements).

Instructor of Computer Systems, The Westchester Business Institute, 1989–1992.
Undergraduate Teaching: Introduction To Computer Information Systems, Programming Using JCL, Advanced Word Processing. Average class size 25.

Adjunct Professor, The College of New Rochelle, 1992–1998.
Primary teaching areas: College Algebra, Calculus I, Introduction to Computers. Average class size 20.

Adjunct Professor, Mercy College, 1997–1999.
Primary teaching area: Introduction to Pascal. Average class size 15.

Adjunct Professor, Westchester Community College, 1988–1997.
Teaching assignment: Introduction to Computers, Systems Analysis and Design, Database Management. Average class size 35.

Adjunct Professor, Iona College, 1991–1996.
Primary teaching areas: Database Design, Introduction to Computers. Average class size 15.

Adjunct Professor, City College, 1985–1992.
Trained staff and college personnel in WordPerfect 5.1, dBase III+, and Lotus 1-2-3.


Independent Consultant, 1994–Present.
Performed networking consulting.
Advised corporate infrastructures on web design, implementation, and analysis.
Provided corporate training services.

Systems Analyst, Brooklyn Union Gas, 1991–1992.
Maintained 900 personal computers.
Coordinated a local area network pilot study.
Developed a user support mechanism to assist end-users.

Training Manager, Personal Computers of America, Inc., 1986–1991.
Developed complex innovative applications for major corporations.
Designed and trained end-user support personnel for Fortune 500 companies.
Produced custom-designed courses and training manuals for Fortune 500 companies.

Programmer, International Business Machines, 1983–1986.
Compiled market research.
Analyzed, organized, and updated database information.
Designed and implemented statistical programs for managerial use and presentation.


National Service

NSF Reviewer for ITEST Grants (2018 - Present)
WiCyS – Women in Cybersecurity National Student Chapter Board Member (2018-2022)
Board Member of the Eastern Colleges Science Conference (ECSC) (2017- Present)
Member of Google LUNAR-X Jurban Team (2009–Present).
Secretary of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Learning Technology (2008–2010).
Co-Chair of IEEE Virtual Instructors Pilot Research Group Computational Behavior Subcommittee (2006–Present).
Board Member of Context-Aware Agent-Supported Reality System Research (2008–2010).
Board Member of the Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT) (2005).
Reviewer for the Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal (2004–2005).
Session Chair for ISECON 2002 Information Systems Education Conference, San Antonio, TX (November 2002).
Reviewer for an Undergraduate Attrition from Computing Majors Study funded by the National Science Foundation for the Curry School of Education (2002).
Reviewer for McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Reviewed and provided suggestions for one chapter in An to Computer Science Using Java by Samuel Kamin, Dennis Mickunas, and Edward Reingold (2002).
Reviewer for ISECON 2000 Information Systems Education Conference held in Philadelphia, PA (November 2000).
Session Chair for Teaching International Business Track, 1997 Eastern Business Education Association Conference (1997).

University Service

Presenter at Transformative Civic Engagement Inside and Outside the Classroom, December 1, 2023
Center for Community Action and Research
Discussant for the Provost’s Annual Student Success and Retention Summit, June 2, 2022.
Guest Presenter at Take Your Children to Work Day (April 2015, April 2016, April 2017, April 2018)
Pace Faculty Institute – Presenter (May 2018).
Guest Presenter at Take Your Children to Work Day (April 2005, April 2008, April 2011, April 2013).
Member of Middle States Periodic Review Report Steering Committee (2012- present).
Member of the Faculty Institute Planning Committee (Spring 2008).
Member of the Learning Commons Project (2005).
Member of the Curriculum Committee for Civic Engagement (2002–Present).
Member of the Technology Round Table Discussions (2001–2003).
Presenter for the Pforzheimer Center for Faculty Development (2004).
Member of Community Learning Courses (2004–Present).
Member of Teaching Circle (linked course initiatives) (2003–Present).
Member of Writing Enhanced Courses (2001–Present).

The Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems Service

Director of Camp CryptoBot (2016 – Present)
Coordinator for STEM Robotics (2007–Present).
Associate Chair (2019 – 2020)
Member of CSIS Tap Committee (2006–2010).
Academic Advisor for Computer Science students in New York (2000–2003).
Academic Advisor for Technology Systems students in Pleasantville (2003–Present).
Participant in the Scholarship Dinners (2008, 2009).
Frequent writer of references for students for work positions and graduate study (2007-present).
Member of CSIS Editorial Board for Technical Report Series (2005-present).
Judge of FIRST LEGO Competition (2004–2007).
Presenter at Trendsetters Conference (March 2005).
Member of TS/CIS 101 Coordinator Search Committee (2003).
Presenter at President’s Visit to the School (2001).
Member of Technology Resources Committee (2004–2007).
Secretary of Technology Resources Committee (2001–2003).
Member of the Graduate Scholastic Standing Committee (2001).
Member of Computer Science Faculty Search Committee (2001).

Information Technology Department Service

Advise and mentor students (2009-present)
Curriculum Committee Member
Implementer of a robotics symposium featuring student work and community partners (2011-present)
Developer of website contracts for Pace University to be used in conjunction with CIS 102T (2008- present).
Developer of Excel templates for tracking non-profit organizations (2009).
Representative of IT Department at Pace Open House events in Westchester (2006-2010).
Creator of a four-part CIS 101 Proficiency exam, which consists of 100 multiple choice questions on computer theory, an Excel practicum, an HTML practicum, and a JavaScript practicum (2002).
Redesigned of course TS 105 Computers for Human Empowerment (2002).
Redesigned of course CIS 102W Web Design for Non-Profit Organizations (2008).
Developer of course CIS 102T Problem Solving Using LEGOS (2004).

Community Service

Co-host Cable show with Mr. Paul Feiner (2021 – Present)
Board Member of the Town of Greenburgh Zoning Board (2023 – 2025)
Board Member of the Westchester Cybersecurity Task Force Advisory Board (2022 – Present)
G.O.O.D. for Girls, Inc. – Director of Assessment (2018-2023)
Board Member of The Westchester County Youth Board (2016 – 2019)
Curriculum Director for the White Plains STEAM Academy (2017-2021)
Board Member of Lois Bronz Children’s Center, White Plains NY (2011–2016).
Board Member of The YWCA (2012-2016)
Youth Director at Youth Mission of Life, White Plains, NY. Work with youths ranging from ages 9–21.
Coordinate musical performances (band consists of 19 instruments) and puppet shows that have
been presented at the following facilities:

  • The Abbott House (March 2005)
  • The Bronx Psychiatric Center (December 2004, March 2005, and December 2005)
  • Montefiore Children’s Hospital (December 2004, February 2005, December 2005)
  • The Hudson River Housing (April 2005)
  • The Amsterdam Houses (1997–2002)
  • Laconia Nursing Home (1990–2000)
  • Children’s Village (1998-2017)

Developer and implementer of the Interactive Arts Summer Workshop with Mrs. Fitts, Director of Volunteer Services at The Children’s Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY (May–June, 2005)
Commencement Speaker at Woodlands High School, Westchester County Center (June 2005)
Guest Lecturer at Westchester Community College, Mainstream Program, “Understanding the Internet” (October 1994)
Judge for the Delta Epsilon Chi DECA Competition, Tarrytown, NY (March 1993)


Recipient of Women’s History Month Award by Legislator Jewel Williams-Johnson (March 2023)
Recipient of the G.O.O.D. for Girls Award of Outstanding Leadership (Oct. 2018)
Recipient of the Jefferson Award for Outstanding Community Service at Pace University (Nov. 2017)
Recipient of STEM Award for Community Service given by White Plains Youth Bureau (May 2016)
Recipient of Certificate of Award for Sponsored Research and Scholarship given by Pace University (April 2013)
Recipient of The Woman in Technology Award given by the YWCA (May 2012)
Recipient of The New York School for the Deaf Award for establishing a Robotics curriculum (May 2010).
Recipient of the North Rockland Central School District, Certificate of Appreciation for Teaching several robotic workshops at the Tech Exposition, (March 2008).
Recipient of the Award for establishing the Robotics Program at Alice E. Grady Elementary School (March 2008).
Recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award, Greenburgh Central-7 (June 2005).
Recipient of the Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (January 2000).
Recipient of the PCLC Award for Teaching Excellence, Personal Computing Learning Centers (1990).
Recipient of the Hartsdale Rotary Club Award for Outstanding Community Work (1982).


Current research interests are directed solely toward pedagogical research in a variety of interrelated areas, including:
Developing successful cognitive models of learning for transforming service-learning and teaching across the institution and the curriculum;
Evaluating the effects of delivering STEM education via robotics;
Writing across the curriculum and technology-related courses.
Other areas of interest include collaborative online learning environments, effective integration of technology into the classroom and bureaucracies, and gender studies.




Available upon request.